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Považský castle


On the right bank of the River Váh, about 3 kilometres north of Považská Bystrica, Považský castle, also called Bystrický castle or Bystrica castle, rises on a limestone cliff at an altitude of 497 meters. The castle was built in the 13th century after the Tatar invasion of Hungary and served as a royal castle. At the beginning of the 14th century, the castle was taken over by Matúš Čák Trenčiansky, during whose reign, specifically in 1316, the first written mention of the castle was recorded. Among the other owners, the robber knights - the brothers Rafael and Ján Podmanickí - who reached the peak of their power in 1540, when under their leadership the entire northern part of the Trenčin capital became independent (they occupied the castles from Nové mesto through Košeca, Lednica, Hričov) up to Budatín). From the second half of the 16th century, the castle belonged to the Balašov family, who rebuilt and repaired it, but eventually abandoned the castle. The end of its glory came in 1698, when the imperial army partially demolished it and set it on fire for fear of settlement by rebels. Since 1714, the castle was owned by the Sapário family, who also did not use it, so it gradually fell into disrepair. In recent years, the ruin has changed beyond recognition, the city, in cooperation with the Bystrica Castle Association, is working on the reconstruction of the castle rampart. There is a built-in bench with binoculars, from where there is a wonderful view of the Manínská Gorge and the surrounding area.

Quantity: 10 000 pcs
Price: €3

Sale date: 15.9.2022
Place of sale: Feast celebrations of Považskej Teplá
Sale from number 6001

For collectors: from 16.9.2022 in the PX Centre
Contact: bankovky@povazska-bystrica.sk