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0 Euro Souvenir
East Slovak Museum in Košice

vsm-v3 vsm-v4

The origins of the East Slovak Museum as a 150-year-old cultural institution date back to the second half of the 19th century, when a conscious idea became a reality. Dr. Imrich Henszlmann. His noble intention became a reality in 1872, when, on the initiative and after a long effort, the brothers Klimkovic and Viktor Miškovský managed to establish the Hornouhorský muzealní spolok (Felsőmagyarországi múzeum egylet) in Košice. The founding meeting of the association was held on October 27, 1872 in Košice.
The first seat of the Hornouhorské Museum was the building of the former inn "U zlatej hviezdy" (the building that no longer exists today stood at the current Hlavná Street No. 76 in Košice). The main goal of the association was fulfilled from the beginning. The first collections acquired by the association included gold, silver and copper coins, paper currency, watches, documents, maps, books, engravings, furniture, guild chests, porcelain, various bronze, tin, copper, earthenware, wooden vessels, seals, statuettes, jewellery, swords, guns, musical instruments, minerals, animal preparations and etc. The greatest expansion of the association occurred just after its foundation. In the first two years, the Hornouhorský museum association owned an incredible 14,016 pieces of collection items. Among the first donors were mainly personalities of social life, culturally aware residents of Košice, church dignitaries, as well as institutions and associations. We know from written records that the first donor on December 12, 1872 was František Pulszky, director of the National Museum in Budapest.
For 150 years of continuous operation, the East Slovak Museum manages more than half a million collection items, has thousands of interesting exhibitions and events, a number of restored collections and quite a few satisfied visitors.
On its 150th anniversary, the East Slovak Museum prepared many events and surprises for its visitors. One of them is the exhibition "Gifts and Donors", the aim of which is to point out the importance of the noble act of donation, which has accompanied the museum since its beginnings.

EEAP 2022-3, EEAP 2022-4
Load: 2 x 5000 pcs
Price: €3
Sale date: May 7, 2022
Place of sale: East Slovak Museum in Košice, Námestie Maratónu mieru 2, Košice